New air lid and tire woes

FedEx dropped off my new airbox lid today and I quickly got it installed along with spraying the MAF with copious amounts of cleaner.  I doubt it has ever been cleaned in it’s life considering some of the things I found within the air system between the airbox and MAF screen.  Also popped in a fresh filter for good measure.  Drove it around for a little bit and it already seems more responsive with a bit more pep.

Also topped off the gas tank and dropped in a bottle of seafoam to give the injectors a good cleaning.  I’ll later be adding some seafoam to the crankcase as well to give the internals a good cleaning to breakup and get rid of 133K miles of buildup and sludge.  Want to get it in as good shape as I can for the cam install in a couple months.

On another note, yesterday being friday the 13th bad news never fails to happen.  It was nothing major thankfully.  I had to have a new tire put on a couple weeks ago because the radials inside had decided to separate from the rest of the tire and caused it to start pulling hard to the right and giving a terrible vibration.  So over the last week the new tire has gone flat more than once.  So after bringing it back to the shop and letting them investigate, the problem is that the chrome is just destroyed on the interior of the rim with large pieces just missing and others peeling.  This is causing it to not seal properly and is perpetually leaking.  Whatever fool owned the car before me made a habit of pumping the tire full of fix a flat.  As much of the inner rim was ground down as could be and they put on a heavy layer of sealant before remounting the tire.  Hopefully it will hold a little better but the only thing to do is replace the wheel.  I would hate to spend hundreds on an OEM replacement when I was wanting to get new wheels within the next year anyway.  I’ll have to try and keep it aired up and hope that it will last a bit longer or else I might have to figure out a way to push up the new wheel purchase.

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